By Chris Buchanan • July 16, 2018

Choosing the Right Heating Oil Company

Choosing the Right Heating Oil Company

Living in a cold climate means having to heat your home in the winter (and sometimes spring and fall months) and this means having heating oil readily available.
In an article on
The Energy Information Administration (EIA), in its Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook (STEWFO) for the 2017-2018 winter heating season, projects that American consumers should expect to see heating expenditures that will be higher than last winter.
When it comes time to pick a heating oil company for your needs, how do you know which one is right for you?
There are a few factors to consider and here are the top four on choosing the right heating oil company.

Emergency and Full-Service

While we would all like to be proactive and have enough heating oil for every time it is needed, that isn't always feasible. It may be a particularly cold month which creates a scenario where you run out faster than normal and need delivery as soon as possible.
The solution is to choose a provider that has emergency and 24/7 full-service. A discount provider may offer a lower price but make sure you can reach them when you need them.

Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing is always at the forefront of any choice you are paying for and heating oil is no exception. You want to get the best price for heating oil but should be aware of specials or bargain oil sources which may seem cheaper at first but are not conducive to your budget in the long-term.
In fact, discount companies may not always be able to deliver based on supply and demand.

Professional Service

Professional service may seem like a given when choosing the right company but this encompasses more than just a good attitude. Choose a company that has enough technicians who can deal with emergencies or fast service and one that has a well-trained staff.
Look for companies that have good reviews and a history of excellent service. Sometimes, reviews give you a good indication of a company's history and while one bad or one good review is not the whole picture - having hundreds of either type is often a dead giveaway.

Supply and Demand

Heating oil prices fluctuate depending on a number of things. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration:
Home heating oil prices can sometimes increase dramatically, especially during cold weather and winter storms. A large cold weather system can affect supply, demand, and prices. People typically use more fuel at the same time that winter storms interrupt delivery systems.
The main factors include seasonal demand, crude oil cost changes, competition in local markets, and regional operating costs.
When choosing a heating oil company, one that has been in business for a number of years and is a full-service heating oil company will be more apt to always have oil available for you.

Everything in One Place

When you shop for the best price for heating oil with Slick Energy for fast oil price comparisons, you are getting a combination of all of these factors. The supply is there for you, the prices are lower, you get professionals who know what they are doing, and you know exactly when your oil will arrive so there are no surprises.
You won't have to worry about calling around, only to find that the companies are tapped out - instead, you enter your name, email address, zip code, and amount of oil you need and in seconds you get a date and price.